I was drawn by the book's concept. I love an interesting good vs. evil story. This wasn't exactly what I got, but I'm not disappointed. This book's premise is the events leading to Lucifer's uprising and his subsequent ejection from heaven.
The book's story is told through the angel Gabriel and Lucifer's points of view. This gives the reader a definite contrast and allows the story to flow more smoothly. I enjoyed reading Lucifer's inner thoughts and the events as seen through his eyes.
Many of the supporting characters aren't given much depth. The primary focus being on Lucifer and Gabriel. In the beginning Gabriel is the archetypical troublesome little brother; always fighting with his older brother and rebelling against his wishes. Because others have not placed much responsibility on him, he really doesn't take any. He enjoys more leisurely activities and doesn't take much responsibility for his purpose in God's plan. Tired of the perfect existence he has been given, Gabriel constantly seeks out imperfection.
Lucifer is the highest of all God' angels. He is the most beautiful, the most powerful, and the most exalted. He feels his natural place is at God's side and cannot wait for the day he receives his just reward. However, God's plan for a Son soon throws a wrench into his plans. Lucifer quickly becomes angry at God and launches a rebellion.
This is when we see the book's characters begin to transform and grow. Gabriel has the most character growth throughout the book. Changing from a disgruntled worker bee to an inspiring leader.
The book has an interesting look at God's angels and the origination of all things born of Satan. The thing I liked the most was that each angel was flawed in some way. They were not the emotionless automatons we typically see. They felt, they loved, they grieved, and they loved (this ability to love is an important catalyst in the book).
I found this book to be an easy read. The story flowed nicely and was pushed along by each characters' development. Overall I enjoyed the book and give it three stars.