Kate has finished her job assignment for Dominic. They both left and agreed to go their separate ways, ending both their business and personal relationships. Now they are both miserable.
Dominic wants Kate back. He's doing nothing but pining away for Kate. He can't eat, can't sleep, and has been quite a son of a bitch to everyone around him. He finally decides that he needs her and must have her back. After securing a job for her in Singapore, he "accidentally" runs into her at a bar.
Kate has been wallowing in misery since she left Dominic. Surrounded by empty fast food containers and junk food wrappers, Kate gets a call for a new job in Singapore. Deciding to get on with her life, she takes the job and moves to Singapore.
Kate and Dominic decide to get back together and take a serious approach to their relationship. I don't want to give anything else away but I will say the book ends on a sort of cliffhanger. There is a definite situation that needs resolving.
I really liked the first book in this series, but the second one just didn't do it for me. Kate was a whiny child most of the time. I just wanted to slap her. The major conflict for them came from outside influences, so to speak. For me, the story just fizzled out.
I liked the first book in the series, but I have to say the second one fell a little short for me. The additional point of views, from supporting characters, was nice; but it just seemed a little repetitive. Each one of the different characters kept saying the same thing. Yes, we know Dominic doesn't take long-term girlfriends. Yes, we know you are shocked. Blah, blah, blah. I will probably read the next one in the series, just because I am a glutton for punishment. that and I can't stand not knowing how a story ends. Yes, I know. I am aware I may benefit from a very talented psychiatrist.